Creation Care Pt. 2 - The Status of Creation Reveals the State of the Collective Human Heart
/1. What have you noticed in your area that seems to be out of order near your residence? Perhaps it has something to do with the weather. Perhaps it is the quality of water around you. It could be any number of things. What is out of order?
2. Take some time to discuss what has made this environmental factor change over time. It might have something to do with climate change. It might have something to do with the trash or waste disposal. It might be erosion. It might be pollution in the water.
3. How have you viewed this problem, theologically in the past? I gave 3 options in the podcast episode. Is it random happenstance? Is it God punishing us for something? Is it the result of human behavior?
4. What did you learn about the responsibility of Christians to care about these issues and to do something about them?
5. Is there something your group can engage in together in your area to address one or more of these issues? It could be action but it could also just be educational.
6. Each week in this series I will ask you to share on the topic of the same question. As you have been living in the world this week, moving through creation, how have you seen God at work in God’s creation?