Lent II

In the episode this week, we are trying to get to the bottom what exactly we mean by “sin” so that, perhaps we will have some reasoning behind this season of confession, repentance and preparation.

1. Previous to this episode, or perhaps even still now, how would you/would you have defined the word sin? If, through repentance, we are trying to move in a new direction, it would be helpful to know in which direction we were moving before we turned.

2. Take a moment to share with your group (or if you are working through this on your own, consider yourself): Is this a group a place where you would feel safe being completely vulnerable? If so, what makes you feel safe? If not, what do you need to feel safe?

3. Are you isolating yourself from God? Are you isolating yourself from community - specifically this community? Are you isolating yourself from yourself? If so, how so? This could be a very personal admission, but it is, at least, likely that we are all isolating ourselves from someone. Ex. if you live in the suburbs, what sort of people have you isolated yourself from.

4. Practice sharing transgressions with each other. Practice apologizing. Envision what it would like to move in a direction away from the transgression. And, practice loving acceptance as people share!

5. Perhaps people have shared areas of isolation with you. Offer them encouragement by sharing ideas of how “being reborn from above” would draw them back into community.